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Staying at Home: 7 Interactive Activities for Kids

Life has shared more than a few curveballs over the last few weeks! Whether you’re a parent or a caretaker, the Safe at Home mandate is changing our children’s day-to-day schedules for the next month or so (not to mention yourself!).

Over the next couple of weeks, we wanted to give you some activities that your kids can enjoy to connect, calm, and break up the days—some are educational, some can help give everyone a little exercise, and some are just to have fun.

We’d love to see if you’ve tried one of these! Tag us at @vipnanniesla on Instagram and share your days with us!

Ultimate Clean Up!

Here’s a game that’s as fun as it is helpful keeping your home disinfected. For every child, hand them a damp washcloth you’ve added a kid-friendly disinfectant too. On the count of three, have them go around a room (kitchens are great!) and compete to see who can wash the most cabinet and door handles. Let the winner choose the afternoon snack!

Become a Scientist for a Day

Check out these Safe Science Experiments by ThoughtCo. Create invisible ink, make a lava lamp, or even learn to make paper. These are great activities for school-aged kids – and who knows, maybe you’ve got a future scientist on your hands!

Build a Fort

Anyone else remember blanket forts? We love them, too. Pick an area of your house and get to building! All hands will be on deck for this one, working to create a fort that will turn into the perfect spot to read, listen to music, and play make believe.

30-Second Songs

Grab a timer or your phone and set it to 30 seconds. Every round has a star singer, and their audience gets to pick one word they have to sing about for that amount of time. For example, if the group chooses the word “strawberry,” then the star of the show gets to sing their own tune. It’s super silly, and the more rounds that go, the funnier the lyrics get!

Funny Food Faces

Have a little fun with your next lunch. Whether it’s a sandwich, pizza, or fruit and veggie plate, turn them into works of art. Need inspiration? We love @weelicious’s creative examples.

Indoor Obstacle Course

Turn the house (or a designated room) into an interactive obstacle course. In the dining room, in order to move onto the kitchen, each contestant must sit in every seat at the table. Once they’re in the kitchen, navigate through the pots and plans placed on the floor (use hand towels to protect them). You could then turn the living room challenge into stacking four couch pillows on top of each other without falling for five seconds. Make it as unique as possible based on the way your home is set up! Your kids will love coming up with ideas and setting it up with you.

To Infinity… and Beyond! (at Home)

One of our favorite things to do with our opened packing boxes is turning them into something out of this world! Grab some markers, paper, and tape, and turn them into spaceships, cars, Batmobiles – the options are limitless!

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