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To Pod or Not to Pod, That is the Question?

The constant dialogue amongst families with young children right now is ‘To Pod or Not to Pod?” We asked the owner of Kinder Ready and Elementary Wise, Elizabeth Fraley, M.Ed this exact question, her response was eye opening!

“Ripping children from their normal routines and school communities is tough right now. I highly recommend having children stay on track with their child’s regularly scheduled Zoom. School Districts/private schools structure the sessions in usually 30-45 minutes. Then students have free time to work through the assignments. Tutors are generally best for one on one individualized support. Pods are great for social and emotional development but don’t really address students one on one learning needs. To make the pandemic easier, parents should strategize their expenses with one on one support opposed to a group of children. Pods are great for social and emotional development. Play dates are great too.” Kinder Ready and Elementary Wise offers one on one in person academic support.

Elizabeth Fraley CEO/Founder

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